Thursday, February 22, 2007

Bloggers Gone Missing

I’m still going with "just coincidence" here but it is strange that Brian Pierce’s leaving WNNS coincides with a small blogging dust-up AND Jim Leach’s blog going dark about the same time. Radio and blogs don’t mix? Or maybe radio people and blogging don’t mix. To be accurate, Jim hasn’t posted to his blog in many months and I think the webmaster keeping it on life support finally got tired of it and pulled the plug yesterday. And, like I’ve repeatedly said, Pierce’s leaving WNNS surely can’t have anything to with his blog.

Hat tip to an anonymous comment two posts down.


Anonymous said...


Look we don't really know what the real reasons are for much in life.

But we've all seen employers use whatever reasons they feel are tactically usable to do what they wanted to do all along.

Publishing CUME numbers for this station is a violation of company rules - we subscribe to that service, and there you are publishing them on your blog!

Or, your making too much, and we want to get rid of you to find someone who will work for half your salary.


In any case I felt Brian Pierce did an honorable thing, and gained a great deal of respect for him when he removed the offending quote.

If he got fired for that, I'll be a fan forever - whatever his politics!


Anonymous said...

Pamela Furr still has her blog, although it has not been updated since October. If it goes too, are you still thinking 'just coincidence"? Be intresting to see if any other Radio hosts delete there blogs, too.

To be honest, I am not sure if all this is the result of what happened or not. I hope Mr. Pierce posts what happened so we all can know for sure.

Anonymous said...

Pierce spoke the truth and you know it maggot. Billary is a fascist liar and it was reported on NBC, CBS and CNN back then that she made the comment; you know it, the whole world knows it. said...

Anonymous commenter's are the best.

Dave said...

OK Annon 06:42:55, provide the link. That’s a rhetorical request since I know you can’t.

Anonymous said...

Actually the comment which is often attributed to Hillary is a comment that Bill Clinton made in 1969 in a letter he addressed to Colonel Holmes who headed up the reserve Officer Training Corps at the University of Arkansas.

If you would like a link I would be happy to provide it.

Dave said...

No I'm looking for the link to where Hillary Clinton said it. Hillary with an "H".