Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Obama Butts Out

For those concerned, Barack Obama says he’s quit smoking. I’ll bet it’s because he’s coming to non-smoking Springfield! Look for him to be chewing some Nicorette before speaking here Saturday.

Update: Josh writes what I was thinking:
But here's another question. Aren't people who are in the early stages of quitting a nicotine habit really irritable and on-edge? And isn't running for president extremely stressful?

To preempt all the emails about the dangers of smoking and the importance of quitting, I'm certainly not disagreeing. It just made me think that presidential campaigns are usually times when people revert to bad habits (eating, smoking, drinking, etc.) not when they quit them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From my experience, anyone who smokes becomes a chain smoker during the last few months of a Presidential campaign. Anyone who drinks becomes and alcoholic during the last few months of a Presidential campaign. If Obama is going to quit he better do it now before things get even busier for him.