Monday, February 12, 2007

High Rates of Speed

Chicago Tribune columnist Eric Zorn, who drove down from Chicago to attend Saturday’s Obama speech, asks a question:
Friday night, traffic was averaging about 70 miles per hour headed the 200 miles
south on Interstate 55 from Chicago to Springfield.

Coming back to Chicago this afternoon I was going 80 miles per hour and still not keeping up. Is this typical?
Answer: Yes.

Read the rest of Zorn's column on his Springfield experience.

1 comment:

Darla said...

Wow, I am surprised you did not estimate speeds higher, like 85mph. I-57 and I-55 have faster and more aggressive drivers and east to west I-72, though drivers still speed like crazy, especially between Decatur and Springfield. Also, in Springfield, people speed 20mph+ on the major roads in town, such as Veteran's Parkway and Jefferson Street. I would say drivers in Chicago are pretty leadfooted too. Darla