First, I really have no objection to Burris himself filling the vacancy. What I object to is Blagojevich being able to make the appointment. But there's really nothing that can be done about that since Blagojevich is still the governor and legally charged with filing such a vacancy. Trying to stop him him from doing so with what now appears to me to be dubious or even unenforceable tactics is just a distraction. Sure it's infuriating, but the real task at hand here is to get Blagojevich thrown out of office, not preventing Burris from becoming Senator. So let's focus our energies there.
Fighting the appointment of Burris here in Illinois or in Washington serves no greater purpose. We have bigger prblems. The nation is facing a huge national econmoic crisis and here at home, in addition to the economy, we have the fight to remove Blago. Let's focus on those things and not fret about Roland Burris.
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