In Clearwater, arriving reporters were greeted with shouts and taunts by the crowd of about 3,000. Palin then went on to blame Katie Couric’s questions for her “less-than-successful interview with kinda mainstream media.” At that, Palin supporters turned on reporters in the press area, waving thunder sticks and shouting abuse. Others hurled obscenities at a camera crew. One Palin supporter shouted a racial epithet at an African American sound man for a network and told him, “Sit down, boy.”
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
I’m Out of Touch
Yes, Palin and her crowd are vile, but I’m not sure I’ve even seen a thunder stick much less had one waved at me in anger.
Still, it has to be better than having a bunch of large, foam #1 fingers pointed your way.
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Kind of reminds me when Obama made the sexist "Honey" remark a couple of months ago.
No, really it doesn't compare. But I can see how YOU would want to think so.
I heard the voicemail message where Obama personally apologized to the reporter. He apologized for not answering the question and offered to have them schedule a personal interview. He also apologized for the "honey" remark.
You never tire of the "well Clinton/Obama/Kennedy did the same" fake outrage do you?
If there is such a media bias, why has McCain not fallen on his face as hard as Palin has? I mean he has his occasional "Bomb Bomb Iran" gaffes,just like Obama and Biden have had theirs, but at least he delivers his wrong message in an somewhat intelligent manner. Maybe Katie Couric just hates women seeking powerful positions traditionally held by men.
The media is ticked off at Palin not because she is a woman, but because she is a Conservative woman. The NOW gang and other women's organizations are always talking about Equal Rights for Women and the "glass ceiling". Now we have a woman who has a chance to go to the White House and where are the women's groups? They are not about equal right for women at all. They are about equal rights for Liberal women.
The same thing holds true for the black groups and organizations too. Did they support Clarence Thomas? Nope. Why not, he is black? But he is conservative.
So getting back to your question, Couric doesnt hate women, she just hates conservative women.
from an impartial observer, I wonder why the media hasn't delved more into the Palin's connections with the Alaskan Independence Party, whose founder was adamant in his hatred for America. Cant really be patriotic if you are a secessionist.
Is this the same media that during the leadup to Bush Iraq war, when a majority of the people were for waiting for inspectors and other options that displayed a majority of commentators in the news were pro-war. Does this include the "liberal" New York Times that during the same lead-up to the same war would put articles by Bush Stenographer Judy Miller? The same "liberal" NYT that sat on the illegal Bush wiretapping story for over a year till after the election?!? The same "liberal" media that would repeat the SwiftBoat Lies commercials a hundred times for free so they can "comment" on them in the "news".
You compress the "vetting" of McCain/Biden/Hillary/Obama/Romney, etc over the last years and these people have been "covered" more then Carabu Barbie. It is an issue of time...
You seem to know what both women and blacks are thinking during this election. Are you either?
I think I am a lesbian trapped in a man's body....just joking.
Seriously though, no, I am neither female or black. But I dont see how that disqualifies me from having an opinion.
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