Wednesday, October 15, 2008
This Post Is NOT So Gay
I’m not sure how much of a need there is for public service announcements encouraging us not to use the term “that’s so gay”, but this PSA by the Ad Council is hilarious. At least the clerk girls are. In fact, it really kind of stereotypes teenage girls as dumb. And isn’t that somehow related to the don’t bash others, even inadvertently, theme of the ad? Now let the “OMG, this is political correctness run amuck!” comments begin.
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That PSA is so g*y
No big deal, just another word removed from our dictionary. Do our tax dollars pay for this infringement upon our free speech?
Don't be retarded.
You guys are such a bunch of women. Or a girls. Or a girly-men. Or fems.
OK, I hope we all get what they are saying. It might seem petty in this time of economic strife, but it’s still important that we as a society realize that some people who might seem totally nancy (smart and beautiful) can sometimes really make a rickmonday (a dumb comment) without meaning to . . .
So 'retarded' is Ok, but 'gay' isnt?
OMG! What a rickmonday!
This is becoming too routine. Libs quickly resort to personal attacks and name calling whenever their faulty ideas are exposed. The only thing I can do is to continue to put up the good fight.
almost fell out of my chair....
Ok, I admit, that was a good one Dave!
You gotta admit that gay had a different meaning prior to its usage as a term for homosxuality, homosexual and the like. I unabashedly use the term as well as retarded becuase growing up I and every kid I know used it commonly. Ultimately it was detached from any concrete relationship with homosexuality much like saying something is 'cool' does not imply temperature.
gish, you are absolutely correct. Somehow both of those words were put on some unknown "politically correct" list and anyone who now uses them is deemed a bigot. Free Speech????
While i applaud the open dialogue about free speech and our civil liberties, I also know the personal impact expressions like these can and DO have. While it seems you all are so pissed about an "infringement on free speech," think about how gay teens are four times more likely than their peers to commit suicide. Think about how a 14 year old boy was shot in the head in his classroom at school because he had a crush on another boy in his class.
What this PSA does is ask you to think about your dumb, offensive, and degrading words that you probably don't even think twice about.
Everytime you say "that's so gay" because you disagree with it or you thinks it's add to the negative connotation associated with the word. To you it's just another word, but to me and the other 10% of Americans who have continually had that word used to strip away and limit our rights (including the 1200 strictly financial protections that come with marriage) and why we are anyless of a citizen or even a person -- it's more than that.
The right in this country has for years used that was to separate and categorize us as something different in an effort to rise to power and make themselves the honorable ones.
As a gay person, I ask you from the bottom of my heart don't use it. The PSA is asking you to think of someone else, a whole portion of your fellow countrymen who are made to feel less because of something as inate as eye color. So, please, stop disrespecting us everytime you disagree with something. Please stop adding fuel to the fire that drives people further into the closet, further from their true selves, and further from living a happy life.
To you it's not a big deal. But to 30 million of us -- it is.
Gosh, there is a lot of useful material here!
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